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Falling and hitting your head or being in an accident can lead to injuries that affect your brain. In some cases, errors that healthcare providers make can result in brain injuries. While some injuries are mild, others are considered traumatic. These are more serious injuries that can lead to potentially life-threatening complications in some cases. When you or a loved one have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI), you might have a chance to receive financial compensation.
This can help pay for medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs that have affected your financial situation. A personal injury lawyer Seattle can help you handle the process of filing a lawsuit when someone else was at fault for your brain injuries.
What are the chances of needing a brain injury attorney? Traumatic brain injuries might be more common than you realize. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that over 223,000 TBI-related hospitalizations occurred in the U.S. in 2019. 190 people in the U.S. died from this type of injury per day in 2021. CDC data also shows that individuals aged 75 and up made up roughly 32 percent of hospitalizations for TBI and 28 percent of deaths related to TBI.
Any kind of sudden blow to the head can lead to a Seattle traumatic brain injury. The amount of impact that occurs and other factors can affect how severe these injuries are. Some of the more common causes of traumatic brain injuries include falls, vehicular accidents, and sports injuries.
Slipping and falling or falling from a height can result in these kinds of injuries. Although any kind of sport can lead to traumatic brain injuries, the risk is higher in contact sports, such as football and boxing. In vehicular accidents, drivers, passengers, cyclists, and pedestrians can end up with these injuries. Keep in mind that a brain injury attorney will need to know the details of what caused your injury in order to handle your case.
Not all brain injuries qualify as traumatic. If you’re thinking of hiring a personal injury or medical malpractice attorney Seattle, it’s important to know if you have this kind of injury. Traumatic brain injuries occur when some type of trauma happens, such as hitting your head on the ground after falling. This trauma can cause injuries ranging from mild to severe.
Mild injuries, also known as concussions, might cause you to lose consciousness for a brief time, such as a few seconds. However, you might not lose consciousness at all with a concussion. These injuries can cause headaches, lightheadedness, and other symptoms.
Moderate traumatic brain injuries usually result in lethargy. Individuals with this type of injury might only open their eyes due to stimulation, such as having a light shining at them.
A severe traumatic brain injury, also known as a coma, occurs when an individual remains unconscious or in a coma for six hours or longer. Whether your case involves a mild, moderate, or severe TBI, keep in mind that these injuries can lead to complications or long-lasting effects that impact your life.
What if you have an anoxic brain injury? This type of injury isn’t considered a traumatic brain injury, since it doesn’t happen due to sudden physical force on the brain. Instead, anoxic brain injuries occur when the brain is deprived of oxygen, leading to brain damage. For example, medical errors made during surgery or other procedures might cause an anoxic brain injury. In this situation, a medical malpractice attorney Seattle can handle your case.
How do you know if you qualify for damages as part of a personal injury lawsuit? If someone else was at fault for your injury, you may qualify for financial compensation. You’ll need evidence that the other party was responsible for your brain injuries. For example, in a car collision, you would need to prove that the other driver was at fault. However, the damages you’re entitled to depend on how much the other party is at fault. If it turns out that you were partly responsible, even to a small degree, this affects the amount of damages you qualify for.
Traumatic brain injury cases can be complex and difficult to handle on your own. A medical malpractice or accident lawyer Seattle can help you each step of the way, so that you can receive any damages you’re entitled to. Your attorney can help you determine if you qualify for damages, what types you qualify for, and how much compensation you can ask for.
A personal injury lawyer Seattle can provide you with support and practical guidance during your case. They can gather information on your injury, including any medical treatment you’ve received. This information can help build your case and determine how much you can seek in damages.
Your attorney can also gather detailed information about the situation in which your traumatic brain injury occurred. These details are an important part of proving that someone else was at fault for your injury. They can find expert witnesses who are able to give detailed information on your injury and how it affects different areas of your life, such as neurologists. The attorney you hire can communicate with your insurance company and the other party’s insurance company to gather relevant information.
In terms of damages, you’ll need the expertise of a personal injury attorney to calculate this amount. Different types of damages in TBI cases may include lost wages, medical costs, property damage, and lost earning capacity. Putting a price on the injuries you’ve experienced is a complicated process. With an attorney, you can count on asking for the maximum amount of compensation possible.
If you’re looking for a dependable accident lawyer Seattle, please contact Craig Swapp & Associates. Our experienced lawyers can assist you with your traumatic brain injury case and ensure that you receive all of the financial compensation you’re entitled to.
Written By: Ryan Swapp Legal Review By: Craig Swapp