Accidents can happen when riding on public transportation just as they can when driving a car or truck. If you want to know how much compensation you could receive for a bus crash, discuss your case with a Spokane bus accident lawyer.

Being involved in a bus accident can easily be a traumatic experience, and it can also lead to life-altering injuries. If you have been hurt in a public transportation accident, you deserve compensation for your injuries and losses, and a Spokane bus accident lawyer from Craig Swapp & Associates can help.


Dangerous Buses

The majority of people ride on buses daily without incident. However, buses can be dangerous when drivers are not paying attention, road conditions are bad, or there are distractions or other factors involved.

School bus accidents are the most common type of bus crash, followed by transit buses and intercity buses. If you or your child were injured in a bus crash, you need a Spokane bus accident lawyer to represent you and ensure that your rights are protected.


Who Is Negligent in a Public Transportation Crash?

Proving negligence is a critical component of any personal injury case, but the process can be more difficult when public transportation is involved. This is because one or several parties could be partially to blame for the wreck.

Your Spokane bus accident lawyer will review your accident and conduct research to identify all negligent parties, which may include the following:

  • Public Transportation Company – The bus company could be responsible for the accident if they allowed an untrained or unlicensed driver to operate a bus or ignored unsafe conditions. This is true whether the bus was owned by a city, school district, or private company.
  • Maintenance Company – If the bus was maintained by a third party who did not perform their job appropriately, they could be responsible for an accident caused by an equipment or part malfunction.
  • Bus Manufacturers – These companies are required to produce and sell buses that meet certain safety standards and perform appropriately when driven safely. A faulty part or wiring issue can lead to an accident, for example—something they would be responsible for.
  • Bus Driver – If the accident was caused by distracted, fatigued, or drunk driving, the bus driver would most likely be to blame. Speeding or driving recklessly could also indicate the driver was at fault.
  • Other Passengers – In some cases, another passenger may have caused a distraction that led to the accident.


Suing the Responsible Party

It is critical that your Spokane bus accident lawyer name all parties responsible for the crash in your personal injury lawsuit. Once you file a claim and settle, you cannot go back and sue another party. This means that if the bus driver and bus company could both have been responsible, we will need to name both in the initial lawsuit.


Government-Run vs. Commercial Public Transportation

When it comes to filing a personal injury lawsuit, not all public transportation companies are created equal. There are different rules for suing the government compared to a private or commercial entity.

In Washington State, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit is three years from the date of injury. However, if you were on a bus operated by the city, county, or school district, you cannot file a lawsuit directly. You must first file a notice of claim and then wait for sixty days before filing an official lawsuit. This makes it important to file well before reaching the three-year deadline.

We can explain the differences between suing a government entity and a private business when you visit our office to speak with a Spokane bus accident lawyer.


Compensation for Your Bus Crash Injuries

Your Spokane bus accident lawyer will help you get the most money for your injuries. To do so, we will ask questions about all of the ways that your injuries have affected your health, emotions, and lifestyle.

We will also work closely with your doctor to determine if and when you will reach a full recovery and if you are going to require ongoing medical care. This is critical for ensuring that you do not settle for less than you deserve.

You may receive compensation for any of the following that apply to your public transportation accident and its aftermath:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Your medical bills and future medical expenses
  • Counseling to treat anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Procedures or surgeries
  • Diagnostic services and lab work
  • Medications
  • Transportation expenses
  • Recent and future lost wages
  • And more

We can include any financial or noneconomic losses you have suffered or expenses you have paid when calculating what your injury claim is worth.


Help from a Spokane Public Transportation Accident Lawyer

The attorneys at Craig Swapp & Associates have the experience required to assist you with your case. To discuss the details of yours with a Spokane bus accident lawyer, complete the form below or call us at 1-800-404-9000 to schedule an appointment free or charge.