Working in construction means you’re at risk of injury every time you clock in. The good news is you can receive compensation for your injuries, and a Seattle construction injury lawyer can help.

Accidents on the job can be complicated. When does workers compensation end, and what happens after that?

To get the compensation your case merits, you may need a Seattle construction accident lawyer who understands your goals and the construction industry. Our team at Craig Swapp & Associates has the experience you want, the kindness you deserve, and the knowledge you need to win.

Types of Construction Accident Injuries

There are many ways to get hurt on the job, from falling bricks to slipping on a ladder, and the costs are almost always high. We’ll work with your doctors to determine the extent, severity, and expected duration of your injuries and the conditions they create.

The following are some injuries common to Seattle construction accidents:

  • Head and facial damage may cause disfigurement and damage to your eyes, ears, nose, speech, or even to your ability to process those signals correctly due to a traumatic brain injury.
  • Neck, back, and spinal injuries can cause paralysis, lost limb mobility, permanent numbness, tingling, or chronic pain.
  • Internal bleeding and injuries to your organs are serious if not noticed and treated quickly.
  • Broken bones may cause you to limp or even lead to amputations in serious cases.
  • Losing a limb in heavy machinery isn’t uncommon, and the damage is always life-altering.
  • Severe burns from chemicals, steam, or fire can permanently disfigure you.
  • Poisoning from toxic chemicals can damage your major organ systems.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can happen to injury victims and is a serious condition that deserves to be addressed.

Why Not Just Take Workers Compensation?

Washington state ensures that all employers have workers compensation insurance for their employees. That way, when construction workers in Seattle are injured, they have a quick way to recover some compensation.

Workers compensation is supposed to cover the cost of work-related injuries and health problems, including the following:

  • All medical expenses like doctors, prescription medications, and hospital bills
  • Partial wage replacement for missing more than three days of work
  • Travel reimbursement for trips to doctors and specialists

Here’s the problem: While workers comp can be helpful, it doesn’t account for everything you suffer after a Seattle construction accident. Ignoring the fact that you can only receive partial  wage replacement, you still have non-economic damages like pain and suffering and emotional trauma to consider. Don’t you deserve compensation for those hardships?

Fortunately, you might have cause to file a personal injury claim instead of a work comp claim, and a Seattle construction injury attorney will be able to help you as you move forward.

When Can a Personal Injury Claim Be Filed for a Construction Accident?

You can go beyond the bounds of workers compensation and file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault parties. You can sue a third party other than your employer, the manufacturer of a faulty tool, or the creators of a harsh chemical if any of these parties injured you.

You can also sue your employer if his or her actions leading up to your injury were egregious or intentional. Your employer is also fair game if he or she doesn’t carry workers compensation coverage.

Another key difference between work comp and personal injury involves the concept of fault. For a workers comp claim, you don’t have to prove that someone else caused your injuries. In fact, you could have been the one responsible. However, a successful personal injury claim for your Seattle construction accident will require you to prove that your injuries were someone else’s fault.

Compensation for a Seattle Construction Accident

Your injuries may cost a fortune in hospital bills, and even if workers compensation will pay for some of your costs, there are limits. Luckily, a strong Seattle construction injury claim can secure compensation for the full extent of every hardship you’ve suffered as a result of your accident.

We’ll demand compensation for everything that is relevant to your losses and needs, including the following:

  • Immediate and future medical expenses of any kind
  • Current and projected income loss
  • Disability modifications and accommodations to your home, vehicle, and workplace
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium, care, and companionship
  • Punitive damages
  • Wrongful death

Meet with a Seattle Construction Accident Attorney

You deserve experienced, responsible, and tireless support from your Seattle construction accident lawyer. Our team at Craig Swapp & Associates fits that profile. We’ll do what’s best for you and your needs, including saying no to poor settlement offers and making sure you’re fairly compensated.  For a free case consultation, call us at 1-800-404-9000 or fill out the form below.