One Call, That’s All 800-404-9000
The details of your case are unique, but what matters is that you’ve been seriously injured, and you need help getting the compensation you deserve. Take advantage of a free consultation with a Redmond injury lawyer who knows how to win.
Accidents happen all the time, but we don’t tend to think about what comes next until we’re injured ourselves. No matter what type of injury you suffered, getting hurt by another person is painful, and it’s something you may deserve compensation for.
While an accident might have been a simple, unpredictable mistake, negligence is a serious problem, and you might have been injured because of someone else’s negligence. In such a case, you might need a Redmond personal injury lawyer on your side.
At Craig Swapp & Associates, we know how difficult it can be to focus on your recovery and your claim for compensation at the same time, and we can help. Contact us today to find out how.
A “personal injury” case encompasses most cases in which another person has done something that led to your injury, either through negligence or an intent to harm you. The point in filing an injury claim is to recover compensation for all the hardships the at-fault party caused in your life.
But what does the concept of “personal injury” encompass? Any of the following case types, among others, could benefit from a Redmond injury attorney’s help:
When you get started with your personal injury lawyer in Redmond, you’ll first discuss how to protect your compensation and what you’ll need to be compensated for. Various Washington laws will affect your claim, so you’ll need to be prepared.
For example, you’ll need to consider your time limit for your case. Washington residents will only have three years to file, so you’ll first need to make sure you have time to prepare your case without rushing and potentially making a mistake.
After all, a mistake can be costly. Washington recognizes comparative negligence, which means that any way you contributed to the accident will detract from the compensation you ultimately receive. For example, if you were in a car accident, but you were driving drowsy, you may not have 100 percent caused the accident, but you did contribute through your drowsiness.
In this case, you might be assigned 15 percent of the fault. This means you’ll only receive 85 percent of the awarded compensation. Fortunately, a qualified lawyer can protect you from unwarranted blame and help you maximize your compensation.
After an injury that someone else caused, you need help. If you suffered any expenses or pain after your injuries, you’ll have to act quickly to get the compensation you deserve. The team at Craig Swapp & Associates is experienced and ready to help.
Don’t wait to get help with your claim. A Redmond personal injury lawyer is ready to speak with you during a free consultation. For more information, give us a call at 1-800-404-9000 or complete the online contact form below.