Salt Lake City offers a wide variety of attractions that include things like ski resorts, hiking trails, and other activities. While these attractions are one of the many reasons residents and visitors love the area, these businesses also have a responsibility to the public. This responsibility isn’t always met at the level it should be, and when it isn’t people experience property damage, injuries, illnesses, and even fatalities. When people and companies fail to provide safe environments for visitors, and those visitors are then injured as a result, they might be entitled to compensation for their injuries. If you are in this situation, it’s important that you have an experienced Salt Lake City premises liability lawyer on your side.

Federal Premises Liability Laws

There are federal laws in place that instruct property owners and visitors on the level of maintenance required for the proper upkeep of property. They place some of these responsibilities on the owner of the property, but they also understand that visitors have a responsibility as well. There are also statues in place that limit the amount of time a person has to file a claim. Our attorneys can help you figure out which laws apply to your situation and guide you in the best direction.

Utah Premises Liability Laws

Every property owner has a responsibility to keep their property in good repair. This is for the owner’s safety as well as the safety of anyone visiting, whether a family member or next door neighbor. In addition to the federal laws, states can make their own laws that govern the responsibilities of the property owners when it comes to premises liability. For example, landlords are expected to keep their rental units in good enough repair for the units to be fit for human habitation. At the same time, they aren’t responsible for damages that the renter causes. The Utah courts placed limits on liabilities that you won’t find in every state.

Trespassing and Liability Limits in Utah

Premises liability laws can vary a bit regarding trespassers and visitors who are invited onto the property. For example, if you invite someone onto your property, it should be safe for them to be on the premises and free of any threat of injury. On the other hand, if someone is trespassing on your Utah property, you, as the owner of the property, do not necessarily have any obligation to them concerning any injuries they sustain from being on your property. This can be a complicated rule in premises liability cases as some of the other states hold property owners liable for injuries even if someone is trespassing on the property.

Common Premises Liability Injuries

Property owners can prevent these kinds of problems by keeping their property in good repair and avoiding some of the more common premises liability issues. Their property should be free from falling debris and offer solid ground to walk on without the threat of slipping or stumbling. This could require trimming broken or dead tree branches and repairing any structural issues so that nothing falls off of a structure. It also means keeping the flooring in solid repair and filling in any holes or loose dirt in the ground outside the home. In many instances, posting warning signs can go a long way in preventing injury, but it isn’t always enough. If you are injured on someone else’s property, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Experienced Premises Liability Lawyers

When something does happen on someone else’s property, an experienced Salt Lake City premises liability lawyer can help you determine who is liable for the injuries or property damage and make sure they are held responsible. In most cases, it isn’t the landowners themselves who take care of the liability expenses, but the insurance companies who have agreed to cover their property. The attorneys at Craig Swapp & Associates can help you figure out the limits of that liability as well as what your personal responsibilities might be according to your situation.

If you have been injured on someone else’s property, make sure they are held responsible. Our lawyers can investigate the details and let you know the best way to move forward. Contact our office online immediately or call (800) 404-9000 for a free consultation.