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causing the bones to rub together. Additionally, bony spurs may form around the joint. Ligaments and muscles around the joint become weak and stiff. All of this is usually caused by wear and tear on a joint, either by over-use or by aging.
Pain and stiffness in the joints are the primary symptoms. The pain tends to be worse after exercise (use of the joint) or when weight or pressure is put on the joint.
Aging in and of itself causes osteoarthritis. Also, jobs, frequent exercise, or sports can cause osteoarthritis by overuse of the joints.
Social Security may award your disability claim if you have osteoarthritis in the spine that results in compromise of a nerve root in the spinal cord. This must be demonstrated by neuro-anatomic distribution of pain, limitation of motion of the spine, and motor loss accompanied by sensory or reflex loss. If there is involvement of the lower back, there must also be a positive straight-leg raising test, both while sitting and lying down.
A medical doctor must attest that the claimant meets all of these requirements.
If you do not meet the above requirements, your doctor may be able to attest to certain limitations your condition causes you, such as limits on how much weight you can lift, how far you can walk, how long you can stand or sit, and other functional assessments. If these restrictions are supported by medical records, you may be able to qualify for Social Security under Steps 4 & 5 of the sequential evaluation process.
With the rules being so particular in nature, you may find you do not quite meet the qualifications in Social Security’s evaluation. Or you may not be sure how to get the right information from your doctor.
Our Social Security disability team at Craig Swapp and Associates is well-versed in just what to do set up the best case possible for your disability. We analyze each case individually and implement a plan of attack to get your claim awarded. And if we don’t win your case, you pay us absolutely nothing.This site contains information only. It is not medical or legal advice, diagnosis, or treatment.