Advances in medicine can lead to great things, but sometimes those things come with their own complications. Manufacturers are often in a such a hurry to produce, and medical professionals are often anxious to try new products that the potential risks aren’t always adequately measured.

Many women in Idaho are finding this to be the case when it comes to transvaginal mesh (TVM). What they once thought of as the most ideal solution for a relentless pelvic issue has become more painful and complicated than the original problem.

If you happen to be one of the women who have used transvaginal mesh to repair pelvic issues, it may be time to contact an Idaho transvaginal mesh lawyer by calling 208-331-0167 or by sending us a message online.

Common Uses of Transvaginal Mesh

idaho transvaginal mesh lawyer 2Some women experience a weakening of tissue walls, which can lead to a prolapsed vagina, complications with urination, urinary incontinence, or an inability to retain urine.

In some cases, they might “leak” when they sneeze or cough. In others, the issue is ongoing and can occur even without any type of sudden movement.

Besides the inconvenience and embarrassment of urination complications, the prolapsed vaginal wall can be painful and cause pain during sexual activity and other activities.

In an attempt to address these issues, transvaginal mesh is a material that is placed to help strengthen areas where the tissue may be weakened or in the process of weakening.

There are different methods of applying the mesh, but the idea is that it acts as a sort of net to lend strength where it is limited. For this reason, it is also referred to as a vaginal sling.

Side Effects and Complications

Women in Idaho have reported a wide variety of complications regarding TVM. Among these are an increase in urinary issues, pain during sex, discomfort during sex, vaginal scarring, mesh erosion, infections, and many others.

In 2011, the FDA made an announcement concerning TVM and its side effects, which stated that women who had the transvaginal mesh implants were more likely to experience some of these side effects than other women who may have chosen a different method.

In some cases, the assertion was obvious, such as mesh erosion that couldn’t possibly occur if the women had used a different method. In other cases, the side effects such as bleeding and infection were unexpected and dangerous.

Basis for Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

Anytime there is a lawsuit concerning a medidaho transvaginal mesh lawyerical product, it involves some type of neglect on the part of the manufacturer or company selling the product. The neglect isn’t always considered deliberate.

For example, if the necessary studies aren’t conducted because researchers aren’t aware that they need to be conducted.

In the transvaginal mesh lawsuits, however, the allegation is that the neglect was deliberate because the issues were known, but not shared with patients.

If patients had known some of the risks involved, they may have elected for a completely different treatment method, and could have possibly saved themselves some of the ensuing complications.

Medical Product Liability Cases

Medical product liability cases can involve battling large corporations and manufacturers. It can be difficult dealing with the injuries and complications you may be currently suffering as a result of TVM, on top of this type of battle. These cases can be extremely complicated and require a qualified Idaho transvaginal mesh lawyer to ensure you get the compensation you need and deserve to move forward.

If you or someone you love has received a transvaginal mesh implant, it’s time to contact an Idaho transvaginal mesh lawyer. Even if you aren’t having complications right now, the risk and potential problems in the future are very real and dangerous. Contact our office online or call (800) 404-9000 immediately for a free consultation.