Motorcycle accidents can be incredibly dangerous for the bike’s rider. Even for careful drivers who follow every rule in the book, the weather or another driver’s negligence could cause a major accident while out on the road.

If this happens to you, there is a high likelihood that you will experience some sort of pain or injury, even if you are just shaken up in the end. If you have been in a motorcycle accident in Boise and you are wondering how much your claim is worth, you will need to consult with a qualified motorcycle accident lawyer from Craig Swapp & Associates as soon as possible.


Calculating the Value of Your Claim

If you had an accident with a car and the driver was at fault, this makes him or her liable for any damages that you have incurred. Our attorneys can help you calculate your expenses and will make sure the following items are all included:

  • Any damages to your motorcycle
  • Personal expenses, such as having your bike towed
  • Medical expenses resulting from the accident
  • Time that you take off from work to deal with your injuries

Other damages may also be involved in calculating the value of your claim. However, no one can give you an exact amount until all of the details are examined. Our attorneys can evaluate your accident and provide you with a full assessment by working closely with your healthcare providers.


Getting Back on the Road After an Accident

If this motorcycle accident is the first time you have been in a major wreck, you may be conflicted about how long to wait before getting back on the road. Conversely, you may want to get back on the road as soon as possible.

However, it’s also possible that you experienced psychological injuries from the accident that will keep you from getting back on your motorcycle—or even from functioning in day-to-day life. When calculating how much your motorcycle accident claim is worth, it’s details such as these that need to be considered for a proper claim value.


An Experienced Boise Motorcycle Wreck Lawyer

Dealing with a motorcycle accident claim is difficult enough thanks to the injuries and expenses that are typically involved. Although your first question may be about how much your claim is worth, it’s crucial that you have a qualified legal team in your corner to help you determine the best way to proceed. Without legal representation, you risk overlooking important details that can help you get compensation for the damages and injuries that you have suffered.

If you or a loved one has been in a motorcycle accident in Boise, you don’t have to attempt to navigate the process alone. We can answer any questions you have and help you clear up any confusion about how to successfully conclude your case. For a free consultation with one of our motorcycle wreck attorneys, complete the form below or call us at 1-800-404-9000.